Friday 20 March 2015

Remineralizing Toothpaste

After starting with Oil Pulling and liking how clean my teeth have been feeling I finally decided to make Remineralizing Toothpaste.

And wow are there a lot of recipes to choose from.  I narrowed it down to just a few then ended up using the recipe below.

Some big watch outs

  • Don't use metal spoons, bowls, measuring equipment as this makes the clay inactive
  • Same goes for storage - glass or plastic is a must here
  • Don't dip your toothbrush in the mix, use a wooden or plastic spoon to scoop some out on to your brush

1/2 Cup Baking Soda
1/2 Cup Coconut Oil (mooshy state)
1/2-1 tsp Salt
2 tsp Bentonite Clay
1 tsp Stevia
14 drops Peppermint Oil (full taste may take a couple of days to develop fully, give it time before dropping in more!)
  1. Blend Oil and Baking Soda
  2. Add everything else
  3. My Coconut Oil was not mooshy enough so ended up putting it in the freezer for 10min to chill around the edges then remixed.  This worked well as the colder part around the outside chilled down the mix to a paste
Hopefully you should end up with a consistency like the one above.

Okay...  So I have a jar of pale greenish gritty toothpaste...  Now what...  Time for the taste test of course!

I put a bit on the toothbrush and got to brushing.  I'm not quite sure how to describe the flavour, its a little salty with a nice peppermint flavour...  Okay yes it is weird having no foam forming while brushing but different is not bad.  All the clay and gritty bits disappear and your left with, well saliva, which is a very strange sensation.  At the end of brushing I was very surprised as my teeth felt very clean.

It's been four brushings since I first tried this and I am loving how clean my teeth are feeling.  My gums are a tiny bit sensitive to the grit of the clay but it isn't sore sensitive it's more just a different sensation for my gums to get used to.  I definitely plan to keep giving this a go for some time.

UPDATE: It's been a couple of weeks since I started using this and I am still enjoying that clean feel but did notice the peppermint flavour disappeared.  Next time I might make a smaller batch.  I still haven't found the best way to store this yet but I might try one of the little sistema containers which should work quite well with a smaller batch.


  1. Wow.. you sure find interesting stuff...DIY toothpaste!!!!...intriguing.....

    1. I do love exploring the strange and new! Unfortunately this isn't a miracle fix but every little bit helps in the goal of better, healthier living :)
