Wednesday 15 April 2015

Bath Bombs... Yes Finally!!!

I have been wanting to make Bath Bombs for ages and I finally got round to it!
After reading lots this is what seems to be a standard basic recipe

1.5 Cups Baking Soda
0.5 + 0.25 Cups Citric Acid
Essential/Fragrance Oils (amount by preference - sniff test as you go)
Mica for colouring
1 Tbsp Colloidal Oats (Optional)
Decorative Bits (Optional)
Witch Hazel in a spritzer bottle

Highly recommend using hands to mix this together, it's like the adult (no not like that!!!) version of playing in a sand pit...  Very therapeutic.

  1. Mix the Baking Soda, Citric Acid and Colloidal Oats (if using)
  2. Slowly add in the mica until you reach the desired colour (this will darken so go easy)
  3. Slowly add in the Oils.  Add a little, mix, add a little more, mix etc...
  4. Once the oil has been mixed in start spritzing the mixture with the Witch Hazel
  5. Spray, mix, test, spray, mix test
  6. It is ready for a mould when use squeeze it, drop it back into the mixture and it stays together.  If it crumbles spritz again.
  7. Using a 1/3 cup and the decorative bits in the bottom (if using)
  8. Pack the 1/3 cup tight with the mixture
  9. Turn out onto a tray (do not touch again while drying)
  10. Place the tray out of the way to dry
I did find when I made these they left a coloured ring around the tub however it came off easily with a little hot water and a brush.

I made three different types using this basic recipe

In the first batch I used a blue mica and Eucalyptus and used Himalayan Rock salt to decorate.  I used a 1/4 cup for these before I realised a 1/3 sized cup would work much better.

Eucalyptus, Blue Mica, Himalayan Rock Salt
The second batch was made with Grapefruit Essential Oil, Bronze Mica which makes a lovely shade of orange.  For the decoration I used Jumbo Rolled Oats.  In this batch and the next I used Colloidal Oats in the mix.
Grapefruit & Bronze Mica.  Bronze is perfect for an Orange colour
Add the decoration to the bottom of the cup
Pack tightly with the bath bomb mixture
Turn out on to a tray lined with baking paper
The third batch I made was Chamomile.  I left this batch uncoloured and used Roman Chamomile Essential Oil with Dried Chamomile flowers for the decoration.

Batch two and three made with a 1/3 cup.  Grapefruit & Oat at the top and
Chamomile and the bottom

1 comment:

  1. oh wow...they look so "fun".....and pretty...and I can almost smell the fragrance.....
